Gateway Christian Junior High & High School offers a college Prep curriculum that gives students the education they need to compete on a national level. Our students test above grade level on every core subject.
We provide this in a well-disciplined environment with qualified, dedicated instructors. We have an excellent athletics program as well as fine arts. The entire program is founded on Biblical priniples and taught in a Christ centered atmosphere. We keep class size to a 20:1 student teacher ratio to provide opportunities for genuine one on-one learning.
Program Overview: 6th - 12th Grade
Biblical Basis:
The nature of language arts reflects the nature and character of God in both the process and product of communication. In language arts, students will learn to express themselves clearly and creatively through the skills of reading, grammar, writing, and spelling.
Expected Student Outcome:
Students will know that language is an organized form of communication reflecting God’s character. (1 Corinthians 14:40)
Students will also learn to use grammar correctly and appropriately as an example of excellence in order to bring glory to God. (Colossians 3:17)
Students will know that written communication is a powerful tool God has given us to influence people and should be done in such a manner that communicates His order. (John 20:30-31)
Students will develop composition, research, and study skills.
Students will improve spelling skills as well as develop an effective spoken and written vocabulary.
Students will increase reading comprehension skills as well as study basic forms of literature and their authors.
Students will develop an understanding of elements of literature including, but not limited to: theme, plot, character, setting, and literary techniques.
Students will improve speaking, listening and thinking skills.
Students will have increased appreciation and enjoyment of literature and literary heritage.
Geometry - 10th Grade
Biblical Basis:
God used mathematics as he created the world and set it into motion. Mathematics will teach students to think critically using order, logic, and structure, just as expected in God's world. It helps students to know more about the character of the God who created them.
Expected Student Outcomes:
The student will be mentally challenged with a new way of approaching and understanding mathematics.
Students will develop critical thinking skills by problem solving.
Student will learn that three key aspect of Geometry – measuring, reasoning and applying geometrical ideas.
Students will master basic principles of Geometry which will enable success in later courses of mathematics.
New Mexico History - 9th Grade
Biblical Basis:
History gives students the record of God’s plan for mankind. Students will learn how history is related to man’s creation and fall, the redemptive plan of God, and the fulfillment of God’s perfect purpose for His creatures. History again and again shows consequences of sin for men and empires and gives credit to those who are good examples of godly living. The study of history helps students understand the chosen path that God has them on as well as how to learn from the mistakes of others.
New Mexico History gives students an overview of the importance of the conversion of the Indians to Christianity by the Spaniards.
Expected Student Outcomes:
New Mexico: Analyze how people and events of New Mexico have influenced United States and world history since statehood.
Compare and contrast the relationships over time to Native American tribes in New Mexico with other cultures.
Analyze the geographic, economic, social, and political factors of New Mexico that impacted United Sates and world history, to include:
Land grand and treaty issues unresolved to present day and continuing to impact relations between and among citizens at the state, tribal, and federal government levels
Role of water issues as they relate to development of industry, population growth, historical issues, and current acequia systems//water organizations urban development
Role of the federal government (e.g., military bases, national laboratories, national parks, Indian reservations, transportation systems, water projects)
Unique role of New Mexico in the 21st century as a ‘Minority Majority” state.
Analyze the role and impact of New Mexico and New Mexicans in World War II (e.g., Native Code Talkers, New Mexico National Guard, internment camps, Manhattan Project, Bataan Death March).
Analyze the impact of the arts, sciences, and technology of New Mexico since World War II (e.g., artists, cultural artifacts, nuclear weapons, the arms race, technological advances, scientific developments, high tech industries, federal laboratories).
Explain how New Mexico history represents a framework of knowledge and skills within which to understand the complexity of the human experience, to include:
Analyze perspectives that have shaped the structures of historical knowledge
Describe ways historians study the past
Explain connections made between the past and the present and their impact.
United States: Analyze and evaluate the impact of major eras, events, and individuals in United States history since the Civil War and Reconstruction. Analyze the impact and changes that Reconstruction relationships to national history.
World: Students will identify and describe similar historical characteristics of the United States and its neighboring countries.
The Multimedia course is designed and structured to provide the student a beginning knowledge in the types, application and use of the media in this fast growing audio and visual electronic world.
General Objectives
To serve, learn good habits to be a good servant.
The student will gain an application and better understanding of the audio and visual tools available today.
To create a desire to gain knowledge and learn more about the multimedia industry.
To become creative in its applications and usage.
To gain knowledge in the types of equipment used for Audio, Video and Lighting including connectors, cabling, power sources.
Computer skills and how it affects multimedia.
Knowledge of electronic devices used in multimedia.
Hands on use of equipment including setup, use and storing.
Primary Text/Resources
Current publications for Film Video, Audio, Computers, Software and Lighting.
Curriculum Guide
Time Allotment
50 minutes per day, 5 days per week for two semesters.
Specialized/Ancillary Activities
Test and control of computer and audio/video equipment during Chapel Services.
Setup, control and tear down equipment for special events, i.e. "See You At The Pole"
Video tape sporting events.
Create and shoot video projects.
Hands on repair of media Equipment including lighting, cabling.
Guest speakers on specialized subjects, as available.
Bible - 7th Grade
Biblical Basis:
Not only was Jesus Christ a respected historical figure, he ultimately changed the course of history as well as the fate of humanity. The purpose of this course is to take students on a journey into the life of Christ as He walked the earth ministering, healing, encouraging, and blessing countless people much like themselves. Students will study the Gospel of John, among many other books of the Old and New Testaments, to become acquainted with the visible and personal Jesus Christ.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Because the Lord Jesus Christ will be presented to the students as more than a mere historical figure, throughout this course students will be strongly encouraged to achieve the following objectives:
to see the brilliance of Christ
to know Christ’s compassion
to be amazed at Christ’s courage and power
to mourn His sacrificial death
to rejoice in His resurrection
to ultimately know Him as their personal Savior
Bible - 8th Grade
Biblical Basis:
Being a Christian should affect everything about the way we live our lives in that we ultimately do all things for the glory of God. This course focuses on the five basic aspects of the Christian life: Salvation, Growth through reading the Bible, Prayer, Witnessing, and Daily Living. As we progress through this study, the focus will not only be to grow students intellectually but spiritually as well.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Students will have a complete understanding of salvation as well an opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Savior.
Students will be able to prove that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
Student will understand what prayer is and how to pray effectively according to the Word of God.
Students will be able to use specific Scripture verses to witness to those around them.
Students know how to present Christ clearly and effectively to the lost.
Students will be equipped to share the basics of the Christian life with others.
Students will learn what it is to daily live for Christ.
Students will be challenged to put into practice the spiritual disciplines involved in daily living for Christ.
Bible - 9th Grade
Biblical Basis:
The purpose of this curriculum is to develop spiritual character and maturity. The lessons here will present God’s view of a true leader challenging students to grow by His grace. This course is focused more on what students are than what they do. The intention of this study is to allow the Lord to perform a work in the heart of every student so that they will ultimately be strengthened by the Holy Spirit in their inner man.
Expected Student Outcomes:
The student will learn what the biblical foundations of leadership are.
The student will understand the characteristics of God and discover how to apply those characteristics to their lives accordingly.
The student will learn what the correct attitudes of leadership are based on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
The student will study and know the standards and qualities expected of leaders as well as the spiritual disciplines outlined in J. Oswald Sanders’ book The Inner Man.
Lastly, through a case study of Old Testament heros, students will gain an understanding of what it truly is to be a leader.
Let God Be God - 10th Grade
Biblical Basis:
The nature and character of God is the primary focus of this curriculum. Let God Be God is based on the premise that the more we know and understand about God through careful study of His Word, the more we are drawn to be conformed to His image and likeness. Students will evaluate what their own response should be towards God after examining His characteristics. With lessons that are grounded in Scriptural truth and accuracy, Let God Be God is ideal for students who want to learn about the amazing characteristics of God.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Through Biblical apologetics and theological studies, students will learn how to present an educated argument for the existence of God.
Students will have a vast knowledge of the various descriptions of God found the Bible.
Student will have a full understanding of God’s attributes such as His Immutability, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, and Sovereignty.
Students will be able to describe and display the Biblical meaning of holiness.
Students will examine the life applications that should take place after understanding the attributes of God.
Through weekly memory verses, students will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the word of God.
Daring Deliverers - 11th Grade
Biblical Basis:
Daring Deliverers is a semester course on the time of Judges. In addition to the twelve military leaders of Israel, students study the lives of Ruth, Eli, and Samuel as presented during this period of biblical history. Leadership principles are woven into each lesson as students study both the positive and negative qualities of each individual.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Students will gain a thorough understanding of the major stories, characters, and spiritual themes found within the book of Judges.
By focusing on the individual strengths and weakness of each judge, the students will grow in godly character and maturity.
The students will grow in their understanding of biblical leadership by studying the leadership skills of the twelve military leaders of Israel.
By examining the Israelites struggle to obey God, students will understand both the punishments that exist for disobedience and the blessings that God brings through obedience.
Thought weekly memory verses, students will gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the word of God.
Timeless Truth - 12th Grade
Biblical Basis:
Timeless Truth focuses primarily on the theme of Biblical truth. In this curriculum students discover the value of having a strong Biblical worldview in the midst of a world that teaches beliefs that are contrary to the Scriptures. This course focuses on Biblical apologetics and carefully walks the students through such questions as What is Truth? and Where can truth be found? Overall, this course highlights the reliability, authenticity, and authority of the Bible. By the end of this curriculum students will be able to boldly and honestly confess that the Bible is a timeless truth that is useful for “teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
Expected Student Outcomes:
Students will understand the reliability of the Bible. By looking at the historical accuracy and authenticity of the bible, students will see how the Bible is a reliable source.
Students will know what the scriptures have to say regarding truth, absolutes, morals, and ethics.
Students will learn how the Bible was composed and how it became the completed work it is presently. The canonization process will we understood by the students.
Students will examine how God specifically prepared each Bible writer to compose their portion of the Bible.
Students will see how God supernaturally orchestrated the preservation and translation of the Holy Scriptures throughout history.
Students will study the lives and practices of Bible translators such as John Wycliffe and William Tyndale.
The students will understand the importance of the Holy Spirit in revealing the truth of the Scriptures.
Students will deepen their knowledge of the scriptures through weekly memory passages that correspond with each topic studied.
Mastering Bible Study Skills - 12th Grade
Biblical Basis:
The purpose of this curriculum is to produce young men and women who are mature disciples of Jesus Christ who know how to correctly handle the written Word of God (2 Timothy 2:15). Through instruction and practice this course teaches proper ways to read the Bible knowledgeably, interpret it accurately, and apply it appropriately. Mastering Bible Study Skills was written to help high school students develop both an academic approach to studying the Bible, while also instilling a personal passion for the living Word of God.
Expected student outcomes:
Students will gain an enthusiasm for the scriptures and for Bible study.
Students will discover how God has inspired all parts of Scripture.
Students will learn the canonization process of the Old and New Testament.
Students will have a complete understanding of major Bible resources and aid materials.
Students will discover the value of knowing the context and history of every Bible passage and story.
Students will learn the importance of applying their knowledge of scripture to their everyday lives.
Students will go deeper in their knowledge of the scriptures by memorizing weekly Bible passages from the book of 1 Peter. Nearly the entire book of 1 Peter will be memorized by the end of the semester.
Biblical Basis:
Learning another language opens up the heart and understanding of the individual to other peoples and cultures. Since we are given the Biblical mandate to “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” in Mark 16:15; it becomes imperative that we be able to communicate the love God to them, In Spanish class, the students will learn to develop: an appreciation of Latino culture, a missions mindset toward Spanish speakers both in the USA and abroad, and a mastery of the fundamentals of the Spanish language.
Expected Student Outcomes:
Students will gain elementary knowledge of the important aspects of culture in the Spanish speaking world
Students will be able to pronounce all the Spanish sounds with sufficient accuracy to be understood.
Students will be able to greet, ask questions, express basic needs, attitudes and emotions, exchange information, and persuade using Spanish vocabulary in the text.
Students will be able to read simple Spanish prose and be able to answer simple questions.
Students will be able to construct and write basic sentences in Spanish.
Students will be able to integrate Biblical truths in Spanish.