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Welcome to the 2019-2020 Virtual Awards for Gateway Christian School Junior High & High School students and athletes. This video covers information from Pastor Rapp that parent's need-to-know about report cards and more. Plus, Mr. Stephens and Pastor Rapp will also announce the top academic students for each grade level and the student of the year.


Below you will find a link to your classes virtual awards, or you can visit our YouTube page and watch them there. 


Helpful information for awards:

  • Pastor's List: Students that received all A's on there report card, they will receive a special trophy

  • Principal's List: Students that maintain an "A" average on there report, but might have one or two "B's"; they will receive a special medal

  • A/B Honor Roll: Students with all "A's" and "B's" on their report card; They receive a special pin.

  • Top Academic Student: Students with the highest overall grade point average (These are announced in the video above).

  • 4.0 Medallion (9th-12th Grade Only): When a student achieves a 4.0 GPA, meaning they have earned an "A" in every academic class, students receive a medallion. Upon graduating students will wear their medallions as a celebration of their hard work. 

  • Sword of the Spirit Award: When a student consistently is a Godly example through his or her speech, conduct, love, faith, purity, and stands firm in the faith - putting on the full armor of God & taking up the sword of the spirit (God's Word).



athletic awards

Helpful information for athletic awards:

  • Pin: Athletes receive a pin the first time they play a particular sport

  • Bar: Athletes receive a bar for each season they play a sport

  • Letter: Athletes receive a letter the first time they play a junior high or varsity sport. 

athletic awards
jh atletics
hs athletics
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