Welcome to the 2019-2020 Virtual Awards for Gateway Christian School Elementary students. This video covers information from Pastor Rapp that parent's need-to-know about report cards and more. Mrs. Parker also announces the top academic students for each grade level and the student of the year.
Below you will find a link to your classes virtual awards, or you can visit our YouTube page and watch them there.
Helpful information for awards:
Pastor's List: Students that received all A's on there report card, they will receive a special trophy
Principal's List: Students that maintain an "A" average on there report, but might have one or two "B's"; they will receive a special medal
A/B Honor Roll: Students with all "A's" and "B's" on their report card; They receive a special pin.
Top Academic Student: Students with the highest overall grade point average (These are announced in the video above). Each class will also announce the top academic boy/girl for the individual class.
Silverbox Award: "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver." Proverbs 25:11 |Each class will give one student this award that focuses on how they use their words.